Sunday, 8 June 2008

Sunday morning

Well , had a lovely day yesterday.
Spent a few hours down at the lotty putting in some brassicas that had been growing in wooden wine boxes for the last few weeks. The plot is looking ok but lots and lots of weeding to do as always.
Plans for today are to move some more sweetcorn, squashes and tomatoes down there from our garden coldframe and basically weed until my hands bleed and my back gives up!!! Oh the life of an allotmenteer!!
Went to the Blue Boar yesterday evening with Tim and Julie and had a very lovely evening. Good company, good conversation, good food and good wine - perfect.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hi Lynne,

Found your blog! Very nicely put together.

Julie and I had a lovely evening too. We shall look forward to many more.

Good luck at the allotment!
