Friday, 25 January 2013



Slicing winds cut the air,
 making incisions in my breath.
Splinters of ice crack beneath diamond snow,
 spiteful slippery underfoot.
Naked trees stand stalwart on guard,
 their roots clenched deep in the cold, cold Earth.
Mammals scratch to find meagre food,
 to sustain them through another encroaching night.

This is Winter in her bitter glory.
This is the time of cleansing, clearing, death and rebirth,
 out with the weak and the sick, in sacrifice to the strong and the new.
For underneath that freezing cloak, the Earth beneath is waiting.....
......waiting to show her shoots of green, to bloom and flower and sing.
To shake of her mantle of chilling white,
 to reveal the promise of Spring.

Lynne Williams 2013

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